Call for Abstract

9th World Congress on Eye and Vision, will be organized around the theme “”

Vision 2025 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Vision 2025

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Ophthalmology is a specialized branch of medicine dedicated to preserving and improving vision through comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, and management of eye diseases and disorders. Ophthalmologists, as highly trained medical doctors, provide a wide range of eye care services. They conduct thorough eye examinations, prescribe corrective lenses, diagnose various eye conditions, and offer treatments including surgical interventions such as cataract removal, LASIK vision correction, and repairs for retinal detachment. Their expertise ensures patients receive tailored care to maintain optimal eye health and visual function.

Vision science integrates various disciplines to explore the complexities of the visual system. This interdisciplinary field delves into the mechanics of visual perception, the intricate workings of ocular anatomy and physiology, principles of optics, neural processes, and the psychology of vision. Researchers in vision science investigate how the eyes and brain collaborate to interpret visual information, striving to enhance diagnostic methodologies and therapeutic approaches for ocular conditions.

Eye movements are fundamental for understanding how we perceive and interact with our surroundings. They include saccades, smooth pursuit, vergence, and vestibulo-ocular movements. Recent advances in measuring these movements have greatly enhanced our understanding of cognitive processes like reading and visual search. During tasks such as reading, our eyes move every 200-350 milliseconds to focus the high-resolution fovea on points of interest within the visual field, enabling detailed processing.

Corneal diseases and surgery are critical areas within ophthalmology, addressing conditions that can significantly impact vision and quality of life. Advances in diagnostic technologies, surgical techniques, and therapeutic options continue to improve outcomes for patients with corneal disorders worldwide.

Neuro-ophthalmology is a specialized field within ophthalmology that focuses on disorders of the visual system related to neurological conditions. It requires a comprehensive understanding of both ophthalmology and neurology, addressing complex interactions between the visual system and the central nervous system. Advances in diagnostic techniques and treatment modalities continue to expand the capabilities for managing neuro-ophthalmic disorders and improving patient outcomes.

Retina and retinal detachment are critical areas within ophthalmology that focus on the anatomy, function, diseases, and surgical interventions related to the retina, a vital layer at the back of the eye responsible for converting light into neural signals. Understanding and treating disorders of the retina, including retinal detachment, require a multidisciplinary approach involving ophthalmologists, retina specialists, optometrists, and allied healthcare professionals.

Regenerative ophthalmology is an emerging field focused on harnessing the body's natural regenerative processes to repair or replace damaged tissues and cells in the eye. Regenerative ophthalmology holds promise for revolutionizing the treatment of currently untreatable or incurable eye diseases, offering new hope for preserving and restoring vision in patients worldwide.

Low vision and rehabilitation focus on enhancing the quality of life and functional independence of individuals with significant vision impairment that cannot be fully corrected with glasses, contact lenses, medication, or surgery. It aims to empower individuals with visual impairment to maintain independence, engage in daily activities, and participate fully in their communities.

Ocular oncology is a specialized field of ophthalmology focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of tumours and cancers affecting the eye and its adnexal structures. Ocular oncology requires expertise in both ophthalmology and oncology, focusing on preserving vision, maintaining eye structure and function, and improving overall patient outcomes while managing the complexities associated with ocular tumours.

Keratoprosthetics refers to the field of artificial corneas or keratoprostheses, which are devices designed to replace or support the function of the cornea, the transparent front part of the eye. Advances in technology and surgical techniques continue to expand the possibilities and improve outcomes in this field, offering hope to individuals who may otherwise face significant visual impairment or blindness.

  • Boston Keratoprosthesis (KPro)
  • AlphaCor
  • Bioengineered Corneas

Ocular immunology deals with the immune responses of the eye, which are unique due to the eye's need to balance immune defence with preserving vision. Ocular immunology and microbiology play integral roles in preserving and restoring vision by addressing immune-related disorders and microbial infections affecting the eye.

Optometry, ophthalmoscopy, and ophthalmic pathology represent integral components of eye care, each focusing on different aspects of vision assessment, diagnostics, and pathology evaluation to support overall eye health and quality of life.

Refractive errors occur when the shape of the eye prevents light from focusing directly on the retina, resulting in blurred vision. Understanding the eye lens, refractive errors, and their management options allows for tailored approaches to improving vision and maintaining eye health, thereby enhancing overall quality of life for individuals affected by these conditions.

Uveitis, scleritis, and intraocular inflammation are diverse conditions involving inflammation within the eye, each requiring a tailored approach to diagnosis and management to preserve vision and manage underlying systemic conditions effectively. Uveitis refers to inflammation of the uvea, which is the middle layer of the eye comprising the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. Scleritis is inflammation of the sclera, the white outer layer of the eye.

Paediatric ophthalmology is a specialized branch of medicine focusing on the eye health and visual development of children. It involves the diagnosis, treatment, and management of eye conditions and visual disorders specific to infants, children, and adolescents. It is essential for ensuring optimal eye health and visual development in children, addressing a wide range of conditions through specialized care, early intervention, and ongoing management tailored to the unique needs of young patients.

Glaucoma management is a critical aspect of ophthalmic care aimed at preserving vision and preventing progression of this potentially blinding disease. Its management involves a multifaceted approach that includes early diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, ongoing monitoring, and patient education to effectively manage intraocular pressure and preserve vision over the long term.

Tele ophthalmology and remote eye care refer to the use of telecommunication technology to provide eye care services remotely. This approach has become increasingly important, especially in situations where patients may have limited access to traditional in-person ophthalmic services. While facing challenges related to technology, regulations, and diagnostic limitations, ongoing advancements and integration with digital health solutions promise to further transform the landscape of ophthalmic care delivery.

Advancements in diagnostic imaging have revolutionized the field of medicine, including ophthalmology, by enabling more accurate and detailed visualization of anatomical structures and pathological changes. Advancements in diagnostic imaging technologies have significantly enhanced the ability to diagnose, monitor, and treat ocular diseases effectively.

Ophthalmogenetics and gene therapy represent cutting-edge fields at the intersection of genetics and ophthalmology, offering promising avenues for understanding inherited eye diseases and developing targeted treatments. These represent transformative fields in ophthalmology, leveraging genetic insights to develop targeted therapies for a wide range of inherited eye diseases.

AI and machine learning are revolutionizing ophthalmology by augmenting clinical decision-making, improving diagnostic accuracy, and personalizing treatment approaches. As these technologies continue to evolve, collaborative efforts among clinicians, researchers, regulatory bodies, and technology developers will be crucial in harnessing their full potential to benefit patients and healthcare systems.